Monday, November 7, 2011
November 7, 2011
WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL BIG NEWS!!!! We had a baptism!!! of Carmen Roa, which was very special! I got to baptize her. The spirit was so strong and after the ordinance Elder Radmall and I sang ¨A Child’s Prayer¨ in Spanish. Also big news is that my last companion and the missionary who will take my place is Elder MENESES! I was so happy to hear this change. He was one of my favorite companions and now I am with him again. He is such a great missionary and person. These last few days I have been almost in tears so many times just talking to Elder Meneses. I feel like he is a brother to me. I feel that strong bond and think that I will feel torn when I leave here. I just hope I don't cry. I love him so much. We have been through so much together and now we have officially had a baptism (FINALLY) together, haha. I love Paraguay and the people. I feel like my heart is being split in two.
Well to get ahold of Anne you can look at my old phone, if the numbers are still on it.
The picture SDC12382.JPG should be sent to Elder Cahoon.
I am a little worried about work after the mission. What have you been thinking about? I would like to hear your feedback. But I will be hearing it in person, which is really weird to think about. I would LOVE to have a job where I can speak in Spanish.
I love you guys so much. With love and CARIÑO. See you this week!
Elder Lucas Kenneth Rodgers
Monday, October 31, 2011
October 13, 2011
Hola Family
Here in Paraguay Hallowe’en is not really celebrated. Nothing like trick or treat happens. Kind of boring, but the work goes on! Well... Ramón.... bad news! We went to his house and asked to talk to him and his old mother came out and said that he sent us a text message saying that he does not want to talk to us anymore. She asked us if we received it and no we didn't because our phone is set to not receive messages. So we walk away. By the way I was on a division that day with an elder from El Salvador (Elder Renderos). So we walk away from the house and call him. He says that he doesn’t want to talk to us again and that he won’t be able to complete what we asked of him. That night when we were changing back to our normal companions we talked to a member who lives close to him and it turns out that he has a problem with ¨Question 4¨ (baptismal interviews) if that is understandable. So that won’t be happening. But we have another lady who we have been working with, Carmen Roa, the sister of a very active member and she is preparing for her baptism this Sunday after church. She is a great lady who really is in a hard situation and she really understands the things that we share with her. We are super excited.
So today I had my exit interview with Presidente Madariaga. It was really something special. We talked about a lot of things and I really felt the Spirit. I am so grateful for him and all he does for me.
This Wednesday we are going to have a meeting for all the missionaries going home. We are going to Presidente’s house to have a testimony meeting, then buy some souvenirs, go to the TEMPLE!!!!!!!!! YAY!! then go to a restaurant where there is ENDLESS MEAT!!!!!! YUM!!!! called Paulistas. We will be sending a recording to you guys if the computer decides to work, haha.
So today I picked up a GREAT souvenir that was something that you told me to get a long, long time ago.
What should I do with my shoes?????? I have the:
-Ecco slip on shoes that I brought with me - thinking of taking home only because they are so destroyed, and the shoes I came in.
-Merrell Shoes that I brought with me whose leather is wearing off but the sole is still intact.
-Ecco shoes sent while I was in Concepcion - leather wearing out, sole not doing so good.
-Missionary mall boots still great condition.
My suit is good here that I can bring back.
Tell Denise sorry from me and that I hope she gets better fast.
Well, guys, I am really trying to think if there is anything else that I need to tell you.
You need get a hold of Anne Cardosa and invite her ALSO get a hold of the parents of Elder Bryce Hanchett (well no longer is he Elder). He said he would come for my homecoming. I’m not sure if you still have his phone number. See what’s up with that and if he can. But other than that we are working for this last baptism, and this week will be the best!
Love you all, con un gran amor, con muchisimo amor,
Élder Lucas Rodgers