Hola Familia
Well, a week of interesting things Whahahaha!!!
We will start with the coolest. You will have to call Sister Neitz. The family that she taught on her mission, I met on Sunday and took a picture with them. (Don't laugh at my hair. I was trying putting gel in my hair ( haha) I was talking to the dad who served his mission in Uruguay. His son (next to me) served his mission in Columbia. That is how he knows Élder Alvarez. So by luck and the will of the Lord I met this family. It was really cool to talk to them. So tell Sister Neitz that they are still strong in the church here in Paraguay.
Another thing that happened was I GOT PIQUE!!!! I'm not sure if you have ever heard of that. Well I will explain. There is a little bug that will attach to your skin and then burrow a hole in your skin and lay eggs! Ewwwww! Yesterday I was walking and felt something weird in my foot I looked and I saw it. The pictures are on the camera of my companion and he doesn’t have it with him. (I don't think you would want to see it) But what happened was after church I sat down with my camera, tweezers, and lots of toilet paper. I started picking at it. Then all of a sudden this black liquid exploded out. Then my comp said, ¨There is still more to get out.¨ so I kept picking, layer after layer haha until I started getting at something white. Then I started picking at that, and all of a sudden all this white liquid (the eggs) started coming out. Then the skin was loose. I picked at it one more time and pulled out the pique and the dead skin and left a hole in my toe. (It was in the toe part of my foot.) and left a hole!! I will send pictures of the hole. I put some purple disinfectant on it that you will notice but I am walking fine and it does not hurt. So that was fun.
I am still waiting to receive the packages. I believe that I will get them soon.
I'm still not driving but thanks for the information. I will remember.
But thanks for that quote that you sent me last week. After I had done internet I was sitting waiting then I decided I wanted to read El Libro de Mormón. When I opened the pages I found a book mark that I had that had that same scripture on, except in Spanish. I realized that it is a characteristic that I have to work on in my life. I have been studying about it. Thank you.
The holes that we made, one was for trash and the other was for excess water.
That’s great to hear how you are doing on losing weight, Mom! I'm working on it too! Haha. It helps show the truth of Mosiah 2:41 ¨Blessed in things both spiritual and in things temporal¨
I’m excited because I think this month we are going to have a temple trip. I can't wait to go!
I have a lot of missionaries telling me that I may go up to senior companion next change. Even Elder Hanchett said that. I was talking to him on the phone today a little bit.
It’s nice receiving a letter on your birthday! It’s weird leaving the teens, and entering 20s! Wow. The pants I have still work fine. They are a little baggy but not annoying or awful.
I'm not sure if you have filled a memory card with pictures to send back.
I was thinking it would be cool if you could ask someone on a course of Facebook and then put my pictures on so that my friends can see what’s going on with me. To put on pictures is really easy.
Update, I have all the pique pictures now. I hope you have a stomach!!!! And there are pictures of ostriches that we came across and fish that were caught by Junior.
I will take pictures of the rooms at our house.
Thanks for everything you do for me! I love you guys so much, Thank you for the wonderful letters that I get every week. I have been blessed with the best family in the world! Thanks for everything!!! Tonight we have a big branch activity planned about the plan of salvation. I'm excited. Yo se que la iglesia es verdadera!!!
Con amor
Élder Lucas Rodgers