Monday, May 16, 2011

May 15, 2011

Hola Che familia-kuera!!!

Como andan!

Big news - Mirta Britez thinks she will be baptized next Tuesday!! Her husband, Jorge Britez, was baptized by Elder Jolley and Elder Gordon while they were here so it will be completing a family!!! But at the same time will be a miracle baptism. The thing is that she is sick and cannot walk and is always sick. But the past two weeks to get to church they took a taxi! It is so awesome! She reads and prays and goes to church. On Sunday we had a VERY spiritual lesson with her and invited her to be baptized and she accepted for the 24th. I felt the Spirit soooooooo strong there with them. Then we finished the lesson with a blessing because she has not been feeling good. President Madariaga came down for Saturday and had an interview with Jorge for the Melchizedek priesthood so this familia is progressing.

Good news, one of the members told me that I am looking more ¨flaco¨ (skinny). It looks like I am loosing weight. Saturday we went running in the morning. This week too we have plans to run. Man this change has gone by too fast. We are already on the last week and it doesn’t feel like I worked with Elder Salvatierra for that long. We have been working a lot more efficiently now that we don’t live with two other elders. We are seeing the fruit of our labours and praying that Mirta can be baptized before the end of this change so I can be there for her baptism and her husband will be able to baptize her.

Yesterday we went to the branch president’s house and did a practice teaching with them. They pretended to be investigators and we taught them. They said that it was very well done. It is a technique that our Mission President had told us to do. I think it is a great way to gain the confidence of the members and to get referrals because for the most part all the members in our branch are converts to the church and the can always use a testimony booster and it helps the missionaries build confidence with the members. Hna. Madariaga, during the zone conference, talked about M&Ms , members and missionaries, and how they always have to be together and working together.

My companion started this week being really sick Tuesday and Wednesday and I started being sick (I think I got his bug) Thursday Friday and Saturday, and I still have a little sniffle and a small cough so I am getting over it. But thanks for all your help and for taking the time out of your week to write me. I really appreciate it.

That song - only the mp3 format or however you can. Maybe if you can only get the words just send that and it will be okay but I would prefer the audio too. But I had troubles with the computer so I have to go now but I love you all and pray for you always.

Love Elder Lucas Rodgers, or “Royers” like the people say here.

P.S. See what the requirements are to be at BYU and what are the requirements to enter in to a normal class there.

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